DYO Program

We understand that each industry is different and we know that every company has its own organization, characterized by a distinctive mark. To better respond to the different requirements of our clients we are ready to confront a variety of issues and to offer flexible real estate solutions that can answer to the most unlike and distinctive needs.

For these reasons Imca Ltd. has designed a dynamic framework that puts into practice our business values, oriented at satisfying effectively even the most specific needs of our clients. To this end our company is offering the DYO program - Design Your Own which consists of a complete portfolio of products and standard services fined-tuned with personalized formulas and dedicated support.

A team of qualified professionals will assist you in choosing the DYO that is best for you. Not only you will be able to define in detail the specific technical endowments of facilities, but you can be assisted in the start up of your new office and receive the organizational and logistic assistance necessary. Whether you are wanting to improve your location, or whether you also need to implement expansion plans or to the contrary whether you are motivated by the need to downsize, Imca Ltd. will assist you in solving the difficulties involved in moving, and will support you in a fast enhancement of your shift.